Monday, March 29, 2010


It's Spring and everything is growing. Including this little beauty, Zoey.
Last time I saw her she couldn't sit up now she is standing. Here are a few from the day.
Enjoy !

Congrats Barb and John

Barb and John are getting Married Congratulations ! Lets hope the weather is more cooperative then it was for the engagement pictures. Talk about some crazy wind. Lets go to the marina, what was I thinking ? We ended up at Barrister Gardens with most of the pictures being taken indoors.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alexis Faye

I told everyone they would have a beautiful baby, meet Alexis Faye. This sweet little girl was born February 19TH. She is already a Daddy's girl. Now Mike has two beautiful women in his life. Congrats ! Thank you for including me in such a special time in your lives.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hayden turns 1

Hayden is about to turn 1. He was so funny with his cake, at first he didn't even want to touch it. By the end of the shoot he had everyone laughing. You can almost hear him in some of the pictures. This little guy is just to cute. Here is a peak, enjoy !

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bradys' 1st birthday

Happy Birthday Brady ! This handsome little guy just turned 1 Thank you for letting me celebrate with you. Here are just a few from the day,Enjoy !